Seminar Lab Date:
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Seminar Lab Subject:
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Virtual lecture 7:00 PM CT (Note: This lecture was only available for live viewing. It was not recorded.)
Seminar Lab Details:
Abstract: The closure of Ford Motor Company’s Twin Cities Assembly Plant in 2011 created an opportunity to transform 122 acres of heavy industrial property into a mixed-use development that would be suitable for residential use. Come learn how the geology of the site played an important role throughout the history of the plant – from its initial construction in the 1920s to cleanup of the site in the 2010s. Historical photos and information gleaned from over 1300 soil borings will help tell the story of the Ford plant’s interesting history and extensive cleanup, paving the way for a new future for this prime property on the bluff of the Mississippi River.
Biography: Amy K. Hadiaris has worked in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Program for over 20 years, providing technical assistance and guidance for the investigation, cleanup, and redevelopment of contaminated properties. She is currently supervisor of the VIC program. Amy has a B.Sc. degree in Natural Resources Policy and Management from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and a M.Sc. in Hydrogeology from the University of Nevada (Reno). She is a licensed Professional Geologist in the state of Minnesota.