Current GSM Board membership:
Dave Wilhelm (President)
Deborah Naffziger (Vice President)
Stephen Willging (Secretary)
Dave Kelso (Treasurer)
Roger Benepe
Dick Bottenberg
Kate Clover
Lowell Hill
Dan Japuntich
Next GSM Board Meeting:
Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Location: U Garden Restaurant, 2725 University Ave SE, Minneapolis
Contact Dave Wilhelm at for further information.
The GSM Board consists of members who have a special interest in advancing the goals of our society, which include lectures, field trips, and community outreach. The Board currently has nine members, listed below. Our bylaws limit the terms of Board members to four years. We do that to encourage a turnover of perspectives and ideas. The Board typically meets quarterly, with meeting dates scheduled for February, May, August, and November.
Board meetings are open to all members of GSM. So, whether you are a new member of GSM or have been a member for many years, if Board membership is something that might interest you, or you are just curious to see what our Board does and how it works, we encourage you to attend a meeting. And if you have a topic you would like the Board to consider, contact our President (Dave Wilhelm at about getting it on the agenda.
Click here to find links to Board meeting minutes over the past few years.
Current GSM Board membership:
Dave Wilhelm (President)
Deborah Naffziger (Vice President)
Stephen Willging (Secretary)
Dave Kelso (Treasurer)
Roger Benepe
Dick Bottenberg
Kate Clover
Lowell Hill
Dan Japuntich