Video Title:
How the Earth Was Made
A&E History
Length (min):
Year Created:
Description and/or Review:
MEMBER REVIEW: This 2008-2009 History Channel series explores various topics in 13 episodes on 4 disks; The San Andreas Fault, The Deepest Place on Earth, the Marianas Trench, Krakatoa, Loch Ness, New York, the Driest Place on Earth, Great Lakes, Yellowstone, Tsunami, Asteroids, Iceland, Hawaii, the Alps. Each hour is a good overview of the topic, and uses historical and new video with good history. They use different people and places to trace plate tectonics and its effects. Loch Ness for example traces the geologic history of Scotland & North America, and they give good information you did not get from Nova and their people. The Alps details the formation of that mountain range, and it is geology we do not get a lot of because it is fairly new, and not about North America. All in all, this is a worthwhile series to watch to see different slices of earth history. I learned a whole lot of new stuff, even though this series is fairly "old".