Seminars and Labs

Seminars and Labs

 During the school year, the GSM sponsors a series of exciting, illustrated seminars by leading professionals in their fields of Geology or Earth Science. These engaging seminars are free and open to the public. A question and answer session is always included. Where else can you enjoy an intriguing exchange with a leading scientist or educator, for free?

GSM labs are very user-friendly and demonstrate the ideas and principles of Geology at a comfortable pace. They provide an involved, hands-on learning experience for beginners or a helpful refresher for the seasoned enthusiast. These instructive sessions are also free and open to the public. Where else can you actively practice science, under expert guidance, for free?

GSM's educational events are technically understandable to enthusiastic learners from high school students to adults.  Attending these events may provide CEUs for teachers and extra credit for students.