Ammolite: Birth of a Gem

Video Title: 

Ammolite: Birth of a Gem





Length (min): 

Year Created: 


Description and/or Review: 

MEMBER REVIEW: This 45-minute 2003 video was created to sell Ammolite, a gem mined near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. It is part of a series, Stones of Fate and Fortune. There is history and geology of fossils in Alberta. Species and location specific, the mother of pearl of ammonite shells are transformed during burial to brilliantly colored rock. Discovered in 1908, it waited until the 1960s to become worked, and 1981 to be an officially recognized gemstone. To me it looks to be a cross between labradorite and opal. This is a Canadian entrepreneurial story, with illegal collecting and poaching. It occurs in shale about 45 feet down and is a low tech smallish operation, guaranteeing scarcity. There is only one active mine in operation as of the date of the video. They cut the material, and use a quartz cap to protect it as jewelry. Other pieces are heat treated with polymers to stabilize it. This is a soft sell video, in typical Canadian style, polite and self-effacing.
