Current Year Lecture

Seminar Lab Date Seminar Lab Subject Seminar Lab presenter
2025-05-05 Spring Banquet - Bemidji and Bemidji West (Pearl Harbor). Jared Trost, M.Sc., hydrologist with Upper Midwest Water Science Center, USGS
2025-04-21 Stromatolite Morphology and Diversity - How did (mostly) brainless pond scum build large, complex structures? Julie K. Bartley, Ph.D., Professor, Gustavus Adolphus College
2025-04-07 Ancient Seas, Modern Thrills! Journey Through Minnesota's Paleozoic Geology Andrew Retzler, M.Sc., Sedimentary Geologist, Minnesota Geological Survey
2025-03-24 Earthquake Hazards Stephan Delong, Ph.D., USGS Earthquake Science Center and Visiting Professor, U. of Minnesota
2025-03-10 Iron-ore in Minnesota: Geology and the Industry (V) Joyashish Thakurta, Ph.D., Research Manager, Natural Resources Research Institute, U. of Minnesota Duluth
2025-02-24 Greatest Mass Extinctions in Earth's History (V) Rachel Phillips, Ph.D., (GEO GIRL), Postdoctoral Researcher and Instructor, U. of South Carolina
2025-02-15 Saturday Lab: The Crystallography of Common Rock Forming Minerals Jeff Thole, Geology Laboratory Supervisor and Instructor at Macalester College.
2025-02-10 Soils: The Most Undervalued and Overlooked Geologic Resource Holly Dolliver, Ph.D., Department Chair of Plant and Earth Science, U. of Wisconsin, River Falls.
2025-01-27 Origin of olivine phenocrysts in oceanites at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion hotspot) Benoît Welsch, Ph.D., Visiting Scholar in Geology, Macalester College
2024-12-09 The Great Courses: Wonders of the National Parks: A Geology of North America Ford Cochran
2024-11-25 Shale in a Nutshell: An Overview of Shale Oil and Gas in the U.S. and Texas (V) Tim McMahon, Ph.D., Project Manager & Principal Investigator for Tight Oil Resource Assessment (TORA) consortium
2024-11-11 Geological Mapping Harvey Thorleifson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, U of MN
2024-10-28 *Groundwater Governance in the Great Lakes States—from Well-Cobbled to Equitable and Sustainable? Carrie Jennings, Ph.D., Research and Policy Director, Freshwater Society
2024-10-14 Damaging earthquakes continue in Oklahoma nearly a decade after peak wastewater injection (V) Jacob Walter, Ph.D., State Seismologist, Oklahoma Geological Survey
2024-09-30 Plan, Core, Scan, Store: Facilitating Core Research Kat Cantner, M.Sc., Science & Outreach Coordinator for Continental Scientific Drilling Facility at U of Minnesota